Directory of Barter Companies Near Berlin, Connecticut

Below are actual listings for IMS Trade Members near Berlin, Connecticut who make their goods and services available through IMS Barter. New Companies join daily delivering more products and services continually on trade. Change your search below to keep looking. Make sure you visit the IMS Marketplace and the IMS Travel Section too!
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We found 16386 results for you

Computer - Consultants

Expert Repairs & service on personal computers & printers. We specialize in Virus, spyware, adware removal. Mention you are an IMS member. Labor on barter cash component on parts.

Kensington, CT
1.17 miles away

Computer - Repair & Service

Expert Repairs & service on personal computers & printers. We specialize in Virus, spyware, adware removal. Mention you are an IMS member. Labor on barter cash component on parts.

Kensington, CT
1.17 miles away

Internet Web Site Design & Development

Web site design. Mention you are an IMS member. Labor on barter cash component on parts.

Kensington, CT
1.17 miles away

Auto Body Repair/Painting-Autos & Trucks

We are proud to offer Connecticut a new 22,000 square foot facility. Imagine being able to drive a semi-truck into a facility and give it an amazing paint job so it looks brand new? Stop imagining this is reality at Auto. We feature 2 spray booths with dead on color matching, a heated spray booth which helps us get the job done quicker both large and small. Full service auto body shop trading labor . Call to make appointment and please mention IMS

Newington, CT
2.26 miles away

Hair Salons

Haircuts, color & perms, makeup consulting and more. Our stylists participate with continues education to meet the changing demands of styles, practices and products. The goal is to always deliver to you the best in the latest trends. Gift certificates available. Call your broker to order. Mention you are an IMS member.

Newington, CT
2.69 miles away

Auto Transmission Repairs

Whether you need a specific repair completed or regular maintenance, we're the company for you. Keep everything to factory specifications with: Major Engine , class="redacted-text"> Overhauls, Mechanical , Oil Changes, Tune-Ups, Brakes & Shocks, Foreign & Domestic , Light & Heavy Duty Truck . Call today to book your appointment

New Britain, CT
3.39 miles away

Auto Transmission Repairs

Whether you need a specific repair completed or regular maintenance, we're the company for you. Keep everything to factory specifications with: Major Engine , class="redacted-text"> Overhauls, Mechanical , Oil Changes, Tune-Ups, Brakes & Shocks, Foreign & Domestic , Light & Heavy Duty Truck . Call today to book your appointment

New Britain, CT
3.39 miles away

Chiropractic Service

Full service family chiropractic office with an emphasis on alternative pediatric care. Comprehensive chiropractic care for the whole family. Regular adjustments and pain eradication. Conveniently located in Newington. Mention you are an IMS member.

Newington, CT
3.50 miles away

Supplemental Medical Services

Full service family chiropractic office with an emphasis on alternative pediatric care. Mention you are an IMS member.

Newington, CT
3.50 miles away

Drafting Services

Assists contractors and designs additions, renovations, or remodeling projects for new and established residential properties. Will travel throughout Ct depending on the job. Mention you are an IMS member.

Kensington, CT
3.63 miles away