Directory of Barter Companies Near Middleton, Wisconsin

Below are actual listings for IMS Trade Members near Middleton, Wisconsin who make their goods and services available through IMS Barter. New Companies join daily delivering more products and services continually on trade. Change your search below to keep looking. Make sure you visit the IMS Marketplace and the IMS Travel Section too!
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We found 16375 results for you

Health & Fitness Clubs

is said to be the purest form of one-versus-one sport, a primal challenge that requires great strength, skill, endurance, speed and intelligence. Join us for a group fitness boxing class at the studio located inside Middleton Fire Station 1 at 7600 University Ave. You will find yourself working and thinking like a fighter. Classes focus on heavy bag work, agility, interval drills, and strength training. A full-body burn is guaranteed.

Middleton, WI
0.45 miles away

Jewelry - Fashion

At , we only work with top of the line products to provide you with the quality expected of the world’s most perfect and recognized stone. Buy from the jeweler who you know really cares about each and every customer. If you’re not happy, then we’re not happy; which is why your satisfaction is our most important consideration. At , our commitment is to provide comprehensive jewelry services at reasonable prices, delivering a 5 star jewelry experience like no other. Excludes Joseph Asher Collection.

Middleton, WI
0.50 miles away

Jewelry - Fine

At , we only work with top of the line products to provide you with the quality expected of the world’s most perfect and recognized stone. Buy from the jeweler who you know really cares about each and every customer. If you’re not happy, then we’re not happy; which is why your satisfaction is our most important consideration. At , our commitment is to provide comprehensive jewelry services at reasonable prices, delivering a 5 star jewelry experience like no other. Excludes Joseph Asher Collection.

Middleton, WI
0.50 miles away

Marketplace Items

At , we only work with top of the line products to provide you with the quality expected of the world’s most perfect and recognized stone. Buy from the jeweler who you know really cares about each and every customer. If you’re not happy, then we’re not happy; which is why your satisfaction is our most important consideration. At , our commitment is to provide comprehensive jewelry services at reasonable prices, delivering a 5 star jewelry experience like no other.

Middleton, WI
0.50 miles away

Jewelry - Fine

When it breaks, we fix it. Our in-house jewelry repair team is the best in the business. We'll make it like the day you bought it. See what jewelry repair services we offer at class="redacted-text"> . At , our commitment is to provide comprehensive jewelry services at reasonable prices, delivering a 5 star jewelry experience like no other.

Middleton, WI
0.50 miles away

Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning

Refresh and renew your home by cleaning your upholstery, rugs, and carpets. Your carpet and upholstery are like giant filters in your home, trapping particles that will stay there until they're removed. The typical carpet needs to be deep cleaned at least once a year to remove embedded dirt before permanent damage occurs. nd, unseen particles are causing damage not only to the appearance of your carpet and upholstery, but also to the health and safety of your home. Regular cleaning can extend the life of your carpet for years, too. We will travel throughout Dane county for all of your carpet and upholstery cleaning needs. We use a hot water extraction unit. We do commercial or residential. Please call for an estimate.

Middleton, WI
0.57 miles away

Air Duct Cleaning

Keep your home odor and allergen free by removing contaminants in your air ducts. Dirty heating and cooling coils, motor, and air handling units can also make your HVC unit less efficient. Promote healthy living by improving indoor air quality of your home or business. Quality air duct and Dry Vent ing Services vailable. Book your appointment now!

Middleton, WI
0.57 miles away

Dryer Vent Cleaning

Dryer vent ducts should be inspected at least once a year to reduce the risk of fires and carbon monoxide poisoning. Lint should not build up in your dryer if your duct system is properly designed and installed. If dryer working hard that could be just one indicator you need the vent cleaned. Duct and carpet cleaning services also available. Call a pro to keep your home clean and safe! Identify as fellow IMS member when setting up service.

Middleton, WI
0.57 miles away

Marketplace Items

Visit the IMS Marketplace to view all of the products available!

Middleton, WI
0.57 miles away

Restaurants - Specific Certificates

3 Locations in Madison, Downtown, and Sun Prairie for the best birthday celebrations. Check out our weekly specials online. Best burgers in the city, a different one every week. Served with delicious side orders. We are a treat that can't be beat. Gift cards are available call your broker to order!!

Middleton, WI
0.91 miles away