Directory of Barter Companies Near Upper Marlboro, Maryland

Below are actual listings for IMS Trade Members near Upper Marlboro, Maryland who make their goods and services available through IMS Barter. New Companies join daily delivering more products and services continually on trade. Change your search below to keep looking. Make sure you visit the IMS Marketplace and the IMS Travel Section too!
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We found 16374 results for you

Limousine & Sedan Service

rental services offers luxury limo rentals for Maryland and Washington DC. Our limo rental services are available for weddings, proms, airport shuttles in stretch limousines, sedans, buses and SUV's for classic luxury. Whether you need limo or rolls royce rentals to go to the airport, to a personal event or a public function, Rentals can be there for you for all of your corporate and personnel shuttle needs. Rentals offer prompt, luxurious limo service for those important occasions. Only day not available is Saturdays. Please mention you are an IMS Barter member when calling.

Upper Marlboro, MD
4.74 miles away


rental services offers luxury limo rentals for Maryland and Washington DC. Our limo rental services are available for weddings, proms, airport shuttles in stretch limousines, sedans, buses and SUV's for classic luxury. Whether you need limo or rolls royce rentals to go to the airport, to a personal event or a public function, Rentals can be there for you for all of your corporate and personnel shuttle needs. Rentals offer prompt, luxurious limo service for those important occasions. Only day not available is Saturdays. Please mention you are an IMS Barter member when calling.

Upper Marlboro, MD
4.74 miles away

Wine Tours

rental services offers luxury limo rentals for Maryland and Washington DC. Our limo rental services are available for weddings, proms, airport shuttles in stretch limousines, sedans, buses and SUV's for classic luxury. Whether you need limo or rolls royce rentals to go to the airport, to a personal event or a public function, Rentals can be there for you for all of your corporate and personnel shuttle needs. Rentals offer prompt, luxurious limo service for those important occasions. Only day not available is Saturdays. Please mention you are an IMS Barter member when calling.

Upper Marlboro, MD
4.74 miles away

Tax Return Preparation

Personal and Business es. With the , CPA-you're in good hands to handle many of your and Financial Issues for your Business. Need a business consultation or a financial review, we're here for you. We also offer a number of Seminars and classes to keep you in the know on es. Licensed in all 50 States.

9.78 miles away

Furniture - Home

provides you with a selection of quality brand mattresses in all sizes and a variety of all types of comfort levels at guaranteed lowest prices. We carry traditional sizes and specialize in odd sizes. Great selection of in stock only. Must speak with Ketan Kumar.

Lanham, MD
11.73 miles away


provides you with a selection of quality brand mattresses in all sizes and a variety of all types of comfort levels at guaranteed lowest prices. We carry traditional sizes and specialize in odd sizes. Great selection of in stock only. Must speak with Ketan Kumar.

Lanham, MD
11.73 miles away

Advertising - Magazine

With 35 years of service, and nearly 3000 businesses served, we have grown from 1 small publication in Cleveland, Ohio to ’s current 8 editions reaching eleven states and Washington, D.C., www. featuring our advertisers with links, contests and content, and recent expansion to include a digital team designing websites, social media campaigns and a custom CRM for tourism & travel. 3 seasonal campaigns (March-June, June-October, October-March), 8 print editions, 11 States and DC, Distributed to over 720K annually and over 25K Facebook followers. Covering New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinois/Indiana, Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia/DC, North Carolina, Georgia/Alabama.

15.63 miles away

Fort Washington, MD
15.68 miles away

Writing & Editing Service

Published author and former chief editor for the US Department of Education has edited for the Discovery Channel, Space News, Defense News, Fortune 100 and other businesses. We have all seen advertising with typos and grammar mistakes and unfortunately, those ads won’t sell your products! The average business spends 30% of their revenue on marketing and advertising – barter helps reduce that cost, but make sure your resources are spent effectively by “measuring twice, cutting once,” just like any wise carpenter does. Double-check and refresh what you show the world as the market or season changes, including your web site. Web eyeballs are less likely to click-through to another page than ever, yet photographs are more essential to making the case for your products; new adults know only cheap and abundant color on everything. Our editing can be combined with experienced graphics, web tech or book agent partners as you reach out to new customers or seal the deal on the clients you have.

Fort Washington, MD
15.68 miles away

Art - Galleries, Dealers, & Artworks

Upscale original artwork and other prints offering a wide selection.

Alexandria, VA
15.74 miles away