Directory of Barter Companies Near Santa Clara, California

Below are actual listings for IMS Trade Members near Santa Clara, California who make their goods and services available through IMS Barter. New Companies join daily delivering more products and services continually on trade. Change your search below to keep looking. Make sure you visit the IMS Marketplace and the IMS Travel Section too!
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We found 16416 results for you

Tax Return Preparation

We can offer yearly tax preparation for small businesses, individuals, partnerships and corporations. We've been in business for over 30 years. We'll set up your books, prepare financial statements, payroll services and tax returns. service can help you incorporate your business in California and Nevada.

Santa Clara, CA
0.11 miles away

Marketplace Items

Visit the IMS Marketplace to view all of the products available!

Santa Clara, CA
0.49 miles away

Auto Repair & Service Domestic

has been in business for over 38 years serving Corvette owners with the highest level of specialty repairs, upgrades and maintenance for their cars. Give Max a call to get on the schedule today. We only work on Corvettes!

Santa Clara, CA
0.59 miles away

Advertising - Magazine

We are a full service advertising company. We will advertise anything you have from motor scooters to web design. We love helping business owners by creating individualized advertising plans that will help them reach their goals. Contact us today to see what we can do for you.

Santa Clara, CA
0.60 miles away

Photographers - Commercial

If you're looking for a professional photographer give me a call. I never say no to an adventure. Nikon in hand, I am driven by wanderlust and a childlike curiosity to explore the world around me. I can provide my services for weddings, head shots, senior portraits and commercial photography, including sports photos.

Santa Clara, CA
0.60 miles away

Photographers - Portrait

If you're looking for a professional photographer give me a call. I never say no to an adventure. Nikon in hand, I am driven by wanderlust and a childlike curiosity to explore the world around me. I can provide my services for weddings, head shots, senior portraits and commercial photography, including sports photos.

Santa Clara, CA
0.60 miles away

Photographers - Wedding/Event

If you're looking for a professional photographer give me a call. I never say no to an adventure. Nikon in hand, I am driven by wanderlust and a childlike curiosity to explore the world around me. I can provide my services for weddings, head shots, senior portraits and commercial photography, including sports photos.

Santa Clara, CA
0.60 miles away

Auto Repair & Service Domestic

is a full-service auto repair and preventative maintenance center. For three generations we have been providing the metropolitan area with high-quality auto repair services. We are fully-licensed, insured and qualified to service all domestic and imported cars, trucks and SUVs. We also offer emergency towing services.

Santa Clara, CA
0.70 miles away

Auto Transmission Repairs

is a full-service auto repair and preventative maintenance center. For three generations we have been providing the metropolitan area with high-quality auto repair services. We are fully-licensed, insured and qualified to service all domestic and imported cars, trucks and SUVs. We also offer emergency towing services.

Santa Clara, CA
0.70 miles away

Towing Service

is a full-service auto repair and preventative maintenance center. For three generations we have been providing the metropolitan area with high-quality auto repair services. We are fully-licensed, insured and qualified to service all domestic and imported cars, trucks and SUVs. We also offer emergency towing services our shop for services to be completed.

Santa Clara, CA
0.70 miles away