Directory of Barter Companies Near Elkhorn, Wisconsin

Below are actual listings for IMS Trade Members near Elkhorn, Wisconsin who make their goods and services available through IMS Barter. New Companies join daily delivering more products and services continually on trade. Change your search below to keep looking. Make sure you visit the IMS Marketplace and the IMS Travel Section too!
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We found 16418 results for you

Attorneys - General Practice

Estate Planning, Probate Admin, Elder Law, Business planning, Asset protection,Long term Care planning and more. At , we’re dedicated to securing your legacy and peace of mind. Serving Wisconsin and Florida, our mission is to provide meticulous estate planning, expert probate administration, comprehensive legal counsel, and specialized guidance in elder law matters.

Elkhorn, WI
0.62 miles away

Attorneys - Wills, Trusts & Estates

Estate planning involves crafting comprehensive strategies to manage and distribute assets after death. specializes in creating wills, trusts, and other documents tailored to your specific wishes, ensuring your assets are protected and distributed according to your desires. At , we’re dedicated to securing your legacy and peace of mind. Serving Wisconsin and Florida, our mission is to provide meticulous estate planning, expert probate administration, comprehensive legal counsel, and specialized guidance in elder law matters.

Elkhorn, WI
0.62 miles away

Attorneys - Tax

Estate Planning, Probate Admin, Elder Law, Business planning, Asset protection,Long term Care planning and more. At , we’re dedicated to securing your legacy and peace of mind. Serving Wisconsin and Florida, our mission is to provide meticulous estate planning, expert probate administration, comprehensive legal counsel, and specialized guidance in elder law matters.

Elkhorn, WI
0.62 miles away

Attorneys - Business

Estate Planning, Probate Admin, Elder Law, Business planning, Asset protection,Long term Care planning and more. At , we’re dedicated to securing your legacy and peace of mind. Serving Wisconsin and Florida, our mission is to provide meticulous estate planning, expert probate administration, comprehensive legal counsel, and specialized guidance in elder law matters.

Elkhorn, WI
0.62 miles away

Advertising - Billboard

Catch the attention of commuters on the Rock Freeway! BC Wolf have two 14' X 48' traditional billboards along I-43 South. Both boards are a right hand read and about a 1/2 mile before the Alpine Valley exit in Elkhorn. These boards are right next to the freeway making them very visible to every person who passes them. Rental is $1,500 per month.

Elkhorn, WI
3.60 miles away

Gutter Cleaning

If you aren't sure how routinely you ought to have your rain gutters cleared, cleaned, and maintained, call today ! Gutter cleaning and maintenance is an important part of keeping up a home. Not only are clogged gutters unsightly, they can also lead to water damage in the house's walls and roof. The best way to prevent that is to clean your gutters at least twice a year.

Elkhorn, WI
4.41 miles away

Gutters & Downspouts

Your gutters and downspouts are your home's second line of defense... In some cases, your gutters can be repaired rather than completely replaced. Your Roof is the first line of defense. Gutter cleaning and maintenance is an important part of keeping up a home. Not only are clogged gutters unsightly, they can also lead to water damage in the house's walls and roof. The best way to prevent that is to clean your gutters at least twice a year.

Elkhorn, WI
4.41 miles away

Handyman Service

performs a range of maintenance duties for homeowners and businesses. Some duties include fixing plumbing systems, provides repair guidance, gutter cleaning and maintenance, painting, roof repairs, minor electrical updates and small remodeling projects. Proudly Serving Milwaukee and surrounding counties. Please call to schedule all work.

Elkhorn, WI
4.41 miles away


Top Rated Roofing Contractor providing expert residential and commercial roofing, gutter, and general home repair services in Waukesha and Milwaukee area. Specializing in Shingle, Flat, and Rubber Roof Repairs. Some small commercial repairs can be done. Call for free estimate today!

Elkhorn, WI
4.41 miles away

Storage - Self Storage & Portable Units

Whether you need to make room in your home or office, find some privacy, stage inventory, or simply need a place for your seasonal belongings; we can help. The staff of LLC is committed to providing the best advice and products to meet your personal storage needs. All Concrete Units. Family and Commercial Sizes. Lighted, Dry and Clean. 24/7 Customer Service. 24/7 Lighted Access

Elkhorn, WI
4.44 miles away