Directory of Barter Companies Near Kenmore, New York

Below are actual listings for IMS Trade Members near Kenmore, New York who make their goods and services available through IMS Barter. New Companies join daily delivering more products and services continually on trade. Change your search below to keep looking. Make sure you visit the IMS Marketplace and the IMS Travel Section too!
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We found 16418 results for you

Restaurants - Ims Barter Card

We have been serving incredibly delicious subs in Kenmore since 1956! Whether you call them a submarine sandwich, hoagie, grinder, poorboy, torpedo or hero, we serve the best Buffalo has to offer. Don't forget to try our wraps, chicken wings, soups, salads and more! Fish dinners are available everyday! Delivery in Kenmore area only. Catering by broker referral only. Maximum order amounts in place, call broker for details. Gift certificates available upon request from broker.

Kenmore, NY
0.26 miles away

Restaurants - Mds Scrip

We have been serving incredibly delicious subs in Kenmore since 1956! Whether you call them a submarine sandwich, hoagie, grinder, poorboy, torpedo or hero, we serve the best Buffalo has to offer. Don't forget to try our wraps, chicken wings, soups, salads and more! Fish dinners are available everyday! Delivery in Kenmore area only. Catering by broker referral only. Maximum order amounts in place, call broker for details. Gift certificates available upon request from broker.

Kenmore, NY
0.26 miles away

Kenmore, NY
0.26 miles away

Kenmore, NY
0.26 miles away

Restaurants - Ims Barter Card

takes you all the way to Italy and back home to your grandmother's kitchen in one delicious trip. Come join us for dinner or special occasion and experience a family's passion. Reservations for 6 or more and catering require broker referral.

Buffalo, NY
0.44 miles away

Restaurants - Mds Scrip

takes you all the way to Italy and back home to your grandmother's kitchen in one delicious trip. Come join us for dinner or special occasion and experience a family's passion. Reservations for 6 or more and catering require broker referral.

Buffalo, NY
0.44 miles away

Buffalo, NY
0.44 miles away

Buffalo, NY
0.44 miles away

Mosquito Spraying

We provide mosquito control services and also give you peace of mind with our mosquito reduction program. Servicing Erie and Niagara counties. Must call for an appointment and service availability. Please mention that you are an IMS member.

Kenmore, NY
0.45 miles away

Pest Control

Enjoy peace of mind all year long! Locally owned and operated, servicing Erie and Niagara counties. We believe that prevention is the best cure. Our pest control program is a thorough process that includes examination,elimination and prevention! We’ll complete a home examination and then develop a plan to eradicate your pest problem and prevent a re-infestation. Call for service availability. Please mention that you are an IMS member. (Doesn't do wildlife)

Kenmore, NY
0.45 miles away