Directory of Barter Companies Near Marysville, Ohio

Below are actual listings for IMS Trade Members near Marysville, Ohio who make their goods and services available through IMS Barter. New Companies join daily delivering more products and services continually on trade. Change your search below to keep looking. Make sure you visit the IMS Marketplace and the IMS Travel Section too!
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We found 16418 results for you

Payment Method Barter Card

[type:Food Truck - Visit Website for Location]

Marysville, OH
0.01 miles away

Printing - Standard Print Service

Copies, business cards, printing, and delivery.

Marysville, OH
0.04 miles away


combines over 10 years of experience in the industry, a vast knowledge of home-owners and commercial insurance, and a passion for our community to meet all of your residential or commercial insurance restoration and remodeling needs. Servicing Columbus OH and surrounding areas.

Marysville, OH
0.06 miles away

Gutters & Downspouts

combines over 10 years of experience in the industry, a vast knowledge of home-owners and commercial insurance, and a passion for our community to meet all of your residential or commercial insurance restoration and remodeling needs. Servicing Columbus OH and surrounding areas.

Marysville, OH
0.06 miles away

Food Truck

Family owned food truck - Dogs, Burgers, BLT's, Grilled Cheese and more! will also cater events such as company employee gatherings etc. Check website for location of the day. (/greatdanedogz). Covering Marysville and surrounding area outside the outer belt.

Marysville, OH
0.23 miles away

Restaurants - Ims Barter Card

Family owned food truck - Dogs, Burgers, BLT's, Grilled Cheese and more! will also cater events such as company employee gatherings etc. Check website for location of the day. (/greatdanedogz). Covering Marysville and surrounding area outside the outer belt.

Marysville, OH
0.23 miles away

Food Distributors

We are a country market providing a quality line of meat, cheese, gluten free products, local raw honey, jams and jellies, and in-season produce, all at a reasonable and affordable price. Variety of bulk foods and specialty foods, freeze dried fruits, vegetables, & treats. Gift Certificate only. Item limits may apply.

Marysville, OH
0.65 miles away

Farmers Market

We are a country market providing a quality line of meat, cheese, gluten free products, local raw honey, jams and jellies, and in-season produce, all at a reasonable and affordable price. Variety of bulk foods and specialty foods, freeze dried fruits, vegetables, & treats. Gift Certificate only. Item limits may apply.

Marysville, OH
0.65 miles away

Baked Goods

We are a country market providing a quality line of meat, cheese, gluten free products, local raw honey, jams and jellies, and in-season produce, all at a reasonable and affordable price. Variety of bulk foods and specialty foods, freeze dried fruits, vegetables, & treats. Gift Certificate only. Item limits may apply.

Marysville, OH
0.65 miles away

Auto Repair & Service Domestic

An automotive high-performance/repair shop located in Marysville.

Marysville, OH
0.81 miles away