Directory of Barter Companies Near West Haven, Connecticut

Below are actual listings for IMS Trade Members near West Haven, Connecticut who make their goods and services available through IMS Barter. New Companies join daily delivering more products and services continually on trade. Change your search below to keep looking. Make sure you visit the IMS Marketplace and the IMS Travel Section too!
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We found 16418 results for you

Oral Surgery

Surgeon -Extractions, wisdom teeth removal, dental implants. Call for an appointment w/ Dr. Jeff Berkley. Mention you are an IMS member.

West Haven, CT
0.18 miles away

Supplemental Medical Services

Extractions, wisdom teeth removal, dental implants. Call for an appointment w/ Dr. Jeff Berkley. Mention you are an IMS member.

West Haven, CT
0.18 miles away


Offers advanced Covid precautions. Full service dental office offers implants, drill-less dentistry, cosmetic dentistry including veneers, crowns, bridges and general preventative care. Lab fees are excluded from trade. Call your broker for more info.

West Haven, CT
0.68 miles away

Antiques & Collectibles

Beautiful antique furniture and home accessories as well as imported patio sets and pieces. include fireplace mantels, custom armoires, cabinets, bookcases, desks and more. By appointment 7 Days a week. Mention you are an IMS member.

West Haven, CT
1.69 miles away

Advertising - Radio

Contemporary Radio format reaches adults 18-49 with HHI of $75K+. M32%, F68%. Listeners are employed full-time and live in single family homes. 133,800 monthly reach.

New Haven, CT
2.68 miles away

Advertising - Radio

Sports Format reaching males 25-54 in New Haven, that own a single family home, over half are married, most are employed. 6,200 monthly reach

New Haven, CT
2.68 miles away

Advertising - Radio

s format reaches adults 35-64. 56%M, 44%F. Most listener own a single family home, most have attended college, over half are married, and are likely to be a small business owner. 24,600 monthly reach.

New Haven, CT
2.68 miles away

Advertising - Radio

New Haven's Hip Hop & R&B reaches adults 18-54, 48%M, 52%F. Most listeners live in a single family home, rent, most have some college or more. 27,600 monthly reach.

New Haven, CT
2.68 miles away

Signs - Lettering, Window & Magnetic

We provide all types of signs from simple banners and stake signs all the way up to light box signs, channel letters, vehicle graphics, truck wraps, plastic letters and pylon signs. We have been a leading producer and supplier of quality signs and graphics since 1983. We will match or beat any competitors written estimate for any type of sign and provide high quality products and services. Contact Joe Bottone at . Mention you're and IMS member.

Orange, CT
2.83 miles away

Trade Show Displays

Variety of displays available including ultra portable displays, modular panel systems, traditional custom exhibits and all types of Hybrid Exhibits that feature combinations of metal, fabrics, plastics and much more. Let us work with you to explain all of the available options, and identify the right type of exhibit for your specific goals. We take into consideration initial price, cost of ownership, ease of set up, ship ability, portability and many other variables. Mention you're an IMS member.

Orange, CT
2.83 miles away