Directory of Barter Companies Near Big Bend, Wisconsin

Below are actual listings for IMS Trade Members near Big Bend, Wisconsin who make their goods and services available through IMS Barter. New Companies join daily delivering more products and services continually on trade. Change your search below to keep looking. Make sure you visit the IMS Marketplace and the IMS Travel Section too!
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We found 16358 results for you

Entertainment - Family

is Wisconsin’s premier outdoor and indoor paintball facility, with all our fields at the same location. At the we strive to provide the best prices and the best service possible - both for playing and on the latest paintball gear! We aim to please every type of paintballer – first-timers, recreational, tournament, scenario, individuals, groups, etc. Now in our 17th year of providing great paintball experiences we are proud to also offer lasertag and airsoft.

Big Bend, WI
0.12 miles away

Entertainment - Miscellaneous

is Wisconsin’s premier outdoor and indoor paintball facility, with all our fields at the same location. At the we strive to provide the best prices and the best service possible - both for playing and on the latest paintball gear! We aim to please every type of paintballer – first-timers, recreational, tournament, scenario, individuals, groups, etc. Now in our 17th year of providing great paintball experiences we are proud to also offer lasertag and airsoft.

Big Bend, WI
0.12 miles away

Team Building

is Wisconsin’s premier outdoor and indoor paintball facility, with all our fields at the same location. At the we strive to provide the best prices and the best service possible - both for playing and on the latest paintball gear! We aim to please every type of paintballer – first-timers, recreational, tournament, scenario, individuals, groups, etc. Now in our 17th year of providing great paintball experiences we are proud to also offer lasertag and airsoft.

Big Bend, WI
0.12 miles away


is Wisconsin’s premier outdoor and indoor paintball facility, with all our fields at the same location. At the we strive to provide the best prices and the best service possible - both for playing and on the latest paintball gear! We aim to please every type of paintballer – first-timers, recreational, tournament, scenario, individuals, groups, etc. Now in our 17th year of providing great paintball experiences we are proud to also offer lasertag and airsoft.

Big Bend, WI
0.12 miles away

Chimney Cleaning & Repairs

Spring Special! Book now for early bird special under two fifty. Regular Chimney Sweeping Reduces Fire Hazards! Creosote, Soot and other Debris Builds up in Your Chimney over time. / Chimney Sweeps will leave you with a clean and clear chimney ready for use. An annual chimney inspection is the best step for ensuring your chimney is safe. Chimney inspections include a visual inspection of entire chimney and all components. Check liner. Check flue. Check chimney cap. Check wood burning stove if need be. Call and schedule your appointment today!

Big Bend, WI
0.76 miles away


Stay Ahead of SPRING MARKET with LLC. Offering a Team of Professional and Reliable Roofers and Chimney Professionals bringing aging roofs and chimneys back to life all over SE Wisconsin Metro Areas. Are you in need of specialized roofing inspection for sale contingencies needing possible repairs or complete replacement with new soffits, facia, and gutters? We have you covered! Call for your inspections today!

Big Bend, WI
0.76 miles away

Siding And Trim

is connected with a siding and trim company. Call today for a quote.

Big Bend, WI
0.76 miles away


FOX RIVER offers a regular MAINTENANCE SERVICE PLAN. Plan will inspect Gutters, Downspouts, Siding and Fascia. Remove foliage touching your home. Replace caulk around windows and doors. Check wood deck, railings, window sills and trim for rot. Power wash deck or patio to clean and prevent mold and mildew growth. Inspect and clean window screens. Find and fix leaks in crawl space or basement. Replace batteries in smoke / carbon monoxide detectors. Replace furnace filters. Roofing maintenance includes shingle repairs, roof cleaning, chimney cleaning, algae removal, roof and soffit venting, and roof leak repairs. Call and schedule your maintenance check today.

Big Bend, WI
0.76 miles away

Child Care

Child care ranging from 6 weeks to 12 years old. Options range from 2 days per week to full week. Programs will be designed according to the developmental level of each child. Our daily schedules will include a variety of structured and unstructured activities along with individual and group interaction. You will receive a calendar each month that highlights the theme and special activities for the day.

Muskego, WI
3.11 miles away

Child Care

Child care ranging from 6 weeks to 12 years old. Options range from 2 days per week to full week. Programs will be designed according to the developmental level of each child. Our daily schedules will include a variety of structured and unstructured activities along with individual and group interaction. You will receive a calendar each month that highlights the theme and special activities for the day.

Muskego, WI
3.20 miles away