Directory of Barter Companies Near Brighton, Colorado

Below are actual listings for IMS Trade Members near Brighton, Colorado who make their goods and services available through IMS Barter. New Companies join daily delivering more products and services continually on trade. Change your search below to keep looking. Make sure you visit the IMS Marketplace and the IMS Travel Section too!
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We found 16358 results for you

Health Foods,Vitamins & Nutritional Prod

Your health is the most important thing to focus on in life. Call me today to learn more about the thousands of supplements and vitamins that can help you be your healthiest self!

Brighton, CO
4.04 miles away

Marketplace Items

Visit the IMS marketplace for available product at www.

Brighton, CO
4.04 miles away

Cbd Products

NewLife CBD is dedicated to serve the needs of others through compassionate care and all natural healing processes. We are here to help the hurting and allow people the opportunity to get a feeling of NewLife freedom from what's been holding them back. This particular cream is filled with amazing light energy along with sound waves from a turning fork plus all the other amazing natural ingredients. We truly have a passion to see hurting people feeling well again. CBD topical cream that's designed to carry the CBD formula to the tissue level, connecting to good tissue and working to together to rebuild and repair the damaged tissue inside.

Brighton, CO
4.04 miles away

Spa - Beauty Treatments

A foot detox involves soaking your feet in an ionic bath to help remove toxins from the body. It is thought that along with eliminating toxins, a foot detox can also help to enhance blood circulation and relieve discomfort and aches throughout the body.

Brighton, CO
4.04 miles away

Alternative Medicine & Naturopaths

Hands of Light Healing: The teaching is that our true inner healing path is to overcome the great “forgetting” and “separation” we carry, which causes us to think of ourselves as broken and identify more with self-judgements and lack. The healing goal is to instead experience and live our unique and beautiful Core Essence. Call today to schedule an appointment!

Brighton, CO
4.04 miles away

Building Materials

What is repurposing? It is taking a byproduct or waste stream such as a retired street sweeper brush and giving it a 2nd life as a backscratcher for horses or cattle. It is taking a decommissioned fire hose and giving it an extended life as a boat dock fender. It is taking an obsolete ski lift cable and giving it a second life as hand railing in a luxury condo building. Our company started focusing solely on material “repurposing” like in the examples above. You’ll find all kinds of crazy, offbeat industrial castoffs at our five different locations!

Brighton, CO
5.91 miles away

Liquidators & Distributors

Do you have any used OR surplus materials that you would sell on trade? Or, do you have any obsolete inventories or idle equipment you’d like to deal on… maybe items that have been depreciated out, over orders on a job, inventory from a project that got cancelled, etc.?

Brighton, CO
5.91 miles away

Shelving - Industrial & Commercial

What is repurposing? It is taking a byproduct or waste stream such as a retired street sweeper brush and giving it a 2nd life as a backscratcher for horses or cattle. It is taking a decommissioned fire hose and giving it an extended life as a boat dock fender. It is taking an obsolete ski lift cable and giving it a second life as hand railing in a luxury condo building. Our company started focusing solely on material “repurposing” like in the examples above. You’ll find all kinds of crazy, offbeat industrial castoffs at our five different locations!

Brighton, CO
5.91 miles away

Flooring - Installation

Commercial sheet flooring, Interlocking sports court, tiles, vinyl, wood and insulated pavers. Unused Commercial Grade Sheet Flooring. This is PVC-free resilient flooring for healthcare. Its patented polyolefin rubber composite formulation is the result of several years of research and development, providing an alternative to both vinyl and rubber constructions, in a homogeneous sheet ideally suited to the demands of healthcare spaces. These rolls are all 6' wide. This flooring combines a strong aesthetic in the right gloss level, with high performance, low maintenance, comfort underfoot, and enhanced acoustical properties.

Brighton, CO
5.91 miles away

Synthetic Turf/Artificial Grass

Outdoor and Indoor Turf

Brighton, CO
5.91 miles away