Directory of Barter Companies Near Covington, Kentucky

Below are actual listings for IMS Trade Members near Covington, Kentucky who make their goods and services available through IMS Barter. New Companies join daily delivering more products and services continually on trade. Change your search below to keep looking. Make sure you visit the IMS Marketplace and the IMS Travel Section too!
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We found 16414 results for you

Furniture - Office

Since 1991, has been building solid wood cabinets and furniture for the residential and commercial fields. Along with our manufacturing of furniture and cabinets, we also offer Solid Surface and laminate counter tops, full lines of furniture and cabinet hardware, garage, closet, and storage cabinets lines, and storage wall panels. Let our full service remodeling team transform that kitchen, bath, or basement into that gourmet kitchen, elegant bath, or retro bar of your dreams. From beginning to end, were there every step of the way.

Covington, KY
2.53 miles away

Bathroom & Kitchen Remodeling

Since 1991, has been building solid wood cabinets and furniture for the residential and commercial fields. Along with our manufacturing of furniture and cabinets, we also offer Solid Surface and laminate counter tops, full lines of furniture and cabinet hardware, garage, closet, and storage cabinets lines, and storage wall panels. Let our full service remodeling team transform that kitchen, bath, or basement into that gourmet kitchen, elegant bath, or retro bar of your dreams. From beginning to end, were there every step of the way.

Covington, KY
2.53 miles away

Counter Tops

Since 1991, has been building solid wood cabinets and furniture for the residential and commercial fields. Along with our manufacturing of furniture and cabinets, we also offer Solid Surface and laminate counter tops, full lines of furniture and cabinet hardware, garage, closet, and storage cabinets lines, and storage wall panels. Let our full service remodeling team transform that kitchen, bath, or basement into that gourmet kitchen, elegant bath, or retro bar of your dreams. From beginning to end, were there every step of the way.

Covington, KY
2.53 miles away

Closet Storage Systems

Since 1991, has been building solid wood cabinets and furniture for the residential and commercial fields. Along with our manufacturing of furniture and cabinets, we also offer Solid Surface and laminate counter tops, full lines of furniture and cabinet hardware, garage, closet, and storage cabinets lines, and storage wall panels. Let our full service remodeling team transform that kitchen, bath, or basement into that gourmet kitchen, elegant bath, or retro bar of your dreams. From beginning to end, were there every step of the way.

Covington, KY
2.53 miles away

Advertising - Billboard

Advertise on one of Cincinnati's biggest billboards! Contact IMS Media Specialist, Mark Lindeman, for more information.

Cincinnati, OH
2.62 miles away

Computer - Repair & Service

Computer or TV gone berserk? Advanced laptop and TV repair service center. We service all laptops and all pc's, including MAC's. We do onsite, business networking, and troubleshooting. Parts extra. Located in Downtown Cincinnati on Central Parkway.

Cincinnati, OH
2.79 miles away

Graphic Design Or Desktop Publishing

Have you ever asked yourself: who is your brand? What is its voice? What does your brand stand for? Creative services can help answer these questions and tell your story to impact your customers. From branding, logo design, copy writing to full production, we can help.

Cincinnati, OH
2.80 miles away

Video Production Serv Commercial

Have you ever asked yourself: who is your brand? What is its voice? What does your brand stand for? Creative services can help answer these questions and tell your story to impact your customers. From branding, logo design, copy writing to full production, we can help.

Cincinnati, OH
2.80 miles away

Photographers - Commercial

Have you ever asked yourself: who is your brand? What is its voice? What does your brand stand for? Creative services can help answer these questions and tell your story to impact your customers. From branding, logo design, copy writing to full production, we can help.

Cincinnati, OH
2.80 miles away

Internet Web Site Design & Development

Your website is the core of your brand. It’s the first impression people get of who you are and should accurately describe what you do. has multiple web designers who can help you with everything from updating your current site to creating a completely new site. In fact, we were named as one of the largest Cincinnati web design firms in 2019 by the Cincinnati Business Courier!

Cincinnati, OH
2.80 miles away