Directory of Barter Companies Near Dousman, Wisconsin

Below are actual listings for IMS Trade Members near Dousman, Wisconsin who make their goods and services available through IMS Barter. New Companies join daily delivering more products and services continually on trade. Change your search below to keep looking. Make sure you visit the IMS Marketplace and the IMS Travel Section too!
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We found 16358 results for you

Carpet Installation

We are an installer. We take care of the installations only. We do not sell flooring materials on trade. Carpet Services, LLC is a full service flooring installation company based in Southeastern Wisconsin. Since opening it’s doors in 2004, has been dedicated to providing high quality flooring solutions. The team at Carpet Service works closely with each customer to ensure their needs are met. Available day and night, they will ensure your job is completed on time. With an emphasis on superior customer service, promises to provide reliable flooring installation, employing only proven, experienced installers. We have been in business for over 50 years combined experience. We have been a certified carpet inspector with years of continuing education.

Dousman, WI
0.18 miles away

Tile Installation

We are an installer. We trade on the installations only. We do not sell flooring materials on trade. Our style of tile installation includes Luxury Vinyl Plank and Tile and wood flooring installations. We do not lay ceramic tile. Carpet Services, LLC is a full service flooring installation company based in Southeastern Wisconsin. Since opening it’s doors in 2004, has been dedicated to providing high quality flooring solutions. The team at Carpet Service works closely with each customer to ensure their needs are met. Available day and night, they will ensure your job is completed on time. With an emphasis on superior customer service, promises to provide reliable flooring installation, employing only proven, experienced installers. We have been in business for over 50 years combined experience. We have been a certified carpet inspector with years of continuing education.

Dousman, WI
0.18 miles away

Flooring - Installation

We are an installer. We take care of the installations only. We do not sell flooring materials on trade. Luxury Vinyl Plank and Tile and wood flooring installations. Carpet Services, LLC is a full service flooring installation company based in Southeastern Wisconsin. Since opening it’s doors in 2004, has been dedicated to providing high quality flooring solutions. The team at Carpet Service works closely with each customer to ensure their needs are met. Available day and night, they will ensure your job is completed on time. With an emphasis on superior customer service, promises to provide reliable flooring installation, employing only proven, experienced installers. We have been in business for over 50 years combined experience. We have been a certified carpet inspector with years of continuing education.

Dousman, WI
0.18 miles away

Internet Web Site Optimization

PC Hospitality WiFi Simple, Manageable, Reliable Wireless Networking. Many restaurants, cafes, and hotels currently have outdated,slow, insecure, and limited WiFi range. Customers today demand fast WiFi connections at establishments they frequent. Not only does your business need fast connections, but secure connections. PCI Compliance requirements demand network separation and security. Be secure against rogue access points, brute force attacks, malicious code, and more. PC will set up the dependable WiFi network that is right for you. Providing the I.T. solutions you need, from people you trust!

Oconomowoc, WI
2.30 miles away

Internet Cloud Services

Many restaurants, cafes, and hotels currently have outdated, slow, insecure, and limited WiFi range. Customers today demand fast WiFi connections at establishments they frequent. Not only does your business need fast connections, but secure connections. PCI Compliance requirements demand network separation and security. Be secure against rogue access points, brute force attacks, malicious code, and more. PC will set up the dependable WiFi network that is right for you. Providing the I.T. solutions you need, from people you trust!

Oconomowoc, WI
2.30 miles away

Marketing Services

WiFi Marketing is the relationship engine that helps you know what your customers do in the real world, so you can keep them rushing back for more. WiFi doesn’t need to be just for internet access. It can be used to your advantage to capture valuable user information so you can easily reach your clients. Keep them coming back through the door. Be a part of this latest technology. Get a leg up on your competition. WiFi marketing creates revenue.

Oconomowoc, WI
2.30 miles away

Chimney Cleaning & Repairs

Offering Chimney Cleanings & Sweeps. LLC is a chimney and fireplace contractor based out of Dousman, WI and serving all of Waukesha County and the surrounding area. We specialize in chimney cleaning and fireplace cleaning services. From cleaning out the inside of an old brick chimney, to a more modern wood stove chimney we will be able to do it properly, for a fair price, and you and your family can enjoy the warmth from your fireplace without worry for another year!

Oconomowoc, WI
2.71 miles away

Fireplaces & Accessories

Offering Gas Fireplace Services. LLC is a fireplace and chimney contractor serving all of Waukesha County, WI and the surrounding areas including Milwaukee County, Washington County, Ozaukee County, Delafield, Hartland, Oconomowoc, Dousman, and Pewaukee.

Oconomowoc, WI
2.71 miles away

Window Treatments & Blinds

Blinds, shutters, and shades, and valences only. Does not trade on other special order window treatments or draperies. No margins on those. Servicing IMS Customers for over 20 years. Primary service area covering the Western Suburbs from Brookfield/Pewaukee to Delafield/Oconomowoc WI. You must talk to Gary for all IMS jobs.

Delafield, WI
4.75 miles away

Dry Cleaner Or Laundry Service

Dry cleaning services. We can also clean leather products. We have been servicing the downtown Delafield area for over 20 years.

Delafield, WI
4.75 miles away