Directory of Barter Companies Near Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Below are actual listings for IMS Trade Members near Fort Lauderdale, Florida who make their goods and services available through IMS Barter. New Companies join daily delivering more products and services continually on trade. Change your search below to keep looking. Make sure you visit the IMS Marketplace and the IMS Travel Section too!
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We found 16358 results for you

Advertising - Direct Mail

RSVP specializes in direct mail marketing solutions that helps businesses reach affluent homeowners in who are looking for your specific services and ready to buy. RSVP is delivered right in homeowners mailboxes four times a year. Each mailing, RSVP reaches the top 50,000 owner-occupied homes in Fort Lauderdale, Pompano Beach, Plantation, Lauderhill, Coconut Creek, Coral Springs, Tamarac and Sunrise with an average household income of $224,250.

Fort Lauderdale, FL
0.15 miles away

Advertising - Magazine

Media is proud to be the voice of the community. Families rely on us to share current local events, advice from local experts, the stories of inspiring individuals & outstanding kids, as well as school news and updates from city officials. FREE magazines are mailed directly to 20,000+ the homes and businesses of .

Fort Lauderdale, FL
0.15 miles away


This 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom private home offers weekly rentals and features a swimming pool and theater. Located in the center of Victoria Park in class="redacted-text">. There is a thoughtful floor plan with the kitchen, dining and great rooms oriented to the roofed back patio and fifty foot heated lap pool. There are vaulted ceilings, indoor and outdoor fireplaces and the kitchen has big windows and ample work areas plus a wine bar and breakfast bar. a whole house natural gas fed generator. Please note that the 4th bedroom is set up with a 120in Theater.

Fort Lauderdale, FL
0.52 miles away


We would like to welcome you and your pets to our clinic. VPAH offers a full range of professional veterinary services. We provide state of the art service and quality care to our patients and their owners. Our staff works hard to establish a personal relationship with each client and pet. We offer pet wellness and vaccination programs to prevent illnesses, animal medical services for diagnosing and treating health conditions and pet surgery including spay and neuter. Do not forget about pet dental cleanings and treatment to avoid serious dental diseases.

Ft. Lauderdale, FL
0.55 miles away

Restaurants - Ims Barter Card

Like a new take on a classic cocktail, we balance familiar flavors with a warm atmosphere to create an inviting space that inspires great conversation in good company. class="redacted-text"> is your open invitation to come as you are and connect over a classic bar experience done the local way. Food is also available.

Fort Lauderdale, FL
0.68 miles away

Payment Method Mds


Fort Lauderdale, FL
0.68 miles away

Restaurants - Mds Scrip

Like a new take on a classic cocktail, we balance familiar flavors with a warm atmosphere to create an inviting space that inspires great conversation in good company. class="redacted-text"> is your open invitation to come as you are and connect over a classic bar experience done the local way. Food is also available.

Fort Lauderdale, FL
0.68 miles away

Framing Services

Our experienced framers take the utmost care when framing your valued treasures. Whether it's a prized Rembrandt, your child's artwork, a family photo or a favorite print, you can be sure it will be properly framed.

Ft. Lauderdale, FL
0.83 miles away

Marketplace Items

We offer a lovely selection of both framed and unframed artwork to choose from. Please visit the IMS Marketplace for available products at www.. Our experienced framers take the utmost care when framing your valued treasures. Whether it's a prized Rembrandt, your child's artwork, a family photo or a favorite print, you can be sure it will be properly framed.

Ft. Lauderdale, FL
0.83 miles away

Art - Galleries, Dealers, & Artworks

We offer a lovely selection of both framed and unframed artwork to choose from. Please visit the IMS Marketplace for available products at www.. Our experienced framers take the utmost care when framing your valued treasures. Whether it's a prized Rembrandt, your child's artwork, a family photo or a favorite print, you can be sure it will be properly framed.

Ft. Lauderdale, FL
0.83 miles away