Directory of Barter Companies Near Hamden, Connecticut

Below are actual listings for IMS Trade Members near Hamden, Connecticut who make their goods and services available through IMS Barter. New Companies join daily delivering more products and services continually on trade. Change your search below to keep looking. Make sure you visit the IMS Marketplace and the IMS Travel Section too!
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We found 16386 results for you

Auto Repair & Service Domestic

Our used car service & auto repair facility located in Southington is set up with the latest equipment to handle domestic and import car servicing. We also offer state-of-the-art auto detailing services that will make any used car look brand new. Call to get a quote from our auto detailing professionals and see your vehicle transformed with a sparkling new look. Appointments required. Mention you are an IMS member .Note oil changes excluded.

Southington, CT
18.20 miles away

Auto Repair & Service Import

Our used car service & auto repair facility located in Southington is set up with the latest equipment to handle domestic and import car servicing. We also offer state-of-the-art auto detailing services that will make any used car look brand new. Call to get a quote from our auto detailing professionals and see your vehicle transformed with a sparkling new look. Appointments required. Mention you are an IMS member .Note oil changes excluded.

Southington, CT
18.20 miles away

Computer - Consultants

Expert Repairs & service on personal computers & printers. We specialize in Virus, spyware, adware removal. Mention you are an IMS member. Labor on barter cash component on parts.

Kensington, CT
18.61 miles away

Computer - Repair & Service

Expert Repairs & service on personal computers & printers. We specialize in Virus, spyware, adware removal. Mention you are an IMS member. Labor on barter cash component on parts.

Kensington, CT
18.61 miles away

Internet Web Site Design & Development

Web site design. Mention you are an IMS member. Labor on barter cash component on parts.

Kensington, CT
18.61 miles away


Full service florist including wedding and funeral arrangements. 's has a large inventory of fresh flowers, tropical flowers, silk flowers and gift baskets. CT orders only. Delivery not included. Mention you are an IMS member.

Watertown, CT
18.71 miles away

Florists - Weddings

Full service florist including wedding and funeral arrangements. 's has a large inventory of fresh flowers, tropical flowers and silk flowers. Contact broker for referral.

Watertown, CT
18.71 miles away

Attorneys - General Practice

Experienced family law attorneys, well respected for loyalty to clients and commitment to providing high quality legal services. Legal services including family law, simple wills, divorce and personal injury. Call for an appointment and mention that you are an IMS member.

Portland, CT
19.08 miles away

Attorneys - Personal Injury

Experienced family law attorneys, well respected for loyalty to clients and commitment to providing high quality legal services. Legal services including family law, simple wills, divorce and personal injury. Call for an appointment and mention that you are an IMS member.

Portland, CT
19.08 miles away

Attorneys - Family Law

Experienced family law attorneys, well respected for loyalty to clients and commitment to providing high quality legal services. Legal services including family law, simple wills, divorce and personal injury. Call for an appointment and mention that you are an IMS member.

Portland, CT
19.08 miles away