Directory of Barter Companies Near Independence, Kentucky

Below are actual listings for IMS Trade Members near Independence, Kentucky who make their goods and services available through IMS Barter. New Companies join daily delivering more products and services continually on trade. Change your search below to keep looking. Make sure you visit the IMS Marketplace and the IMS Travel Section too!
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We found 16345 results for you

Restaurants - Ims Barter Card

is dedicated to providing quality food, with a personal touch, for our customers we call friends. We have items from pork chops, ribs, meatloaf to crusted pecan chicken salads and much more.

Florence, KY
4.61 miles away

Restaurants - Specific Certificates

is dedicated to providing quality food, with a personal touch, for our customers we call friends. We have items from pork chops, ribs, meatloaf to crusted pecan chicken salads and much more.

Florence, KY
4.61 miles away

Payment Method Barter Card

[type:American comfort food]

Florence, KY
4.61 miles away

Baked Goods

provides the gift of great taste for any occasion with a personal touch. We have a variety of 32 cheesecake flavors, traditional cakes, desserts, and cookies that are delectable, custom-made and are baked with the finest ingredients.

Edgewood, KY
4.64 miles away

Color Separating/Pre-Press Service

Getting your job ready to go on our digital or conventional presses takes a great deal of knowledge and skill. Our pre press employees put their expertise and high standards into every task they undertake resulting in less surprise even on your first proof.

Florence, KY
4.83 miles away

Mailing Lists

Your local printer since 1978. In today's market, we understand that time is of the essence and we work hard trying to find new technologies which, when combined with our experience, makes a better, faster, less expensive final product for you. Providing pre-press, press work, digital on demand printing, finishing and direct mail services. We offer same day service when possible and free pick up and delivery.

Florence, KY
4.83 miles away

Mailing Services

Your local printer since 1978. In today's market, we understand that time is of the essence and we work hard trying to find new technologies which, when combined with our experience, makes a better, faster, less expensive final product for you. Providing pre-press, press work, digital on demand printing, finishing and direct mail services. We offer same day service when possible and free pick up and delivery.

Florence, KY
4.83 miles away

Printing - Digital Short Run 4+ Color

Your local printer since 1978. In today's market, we understand that time is of the essence and we work hard trying to find new technologies which, when combined with our experience, makes a better, faster, less expensive final product for you. Providing pre-press, press work, digital on demand printing, finishing and direct mail services. We offer same day service when possible and free pick up and delivery.

Florence, KY
4.83 miles away

Printing - Large Volume Full Color

Your local printer since 1978. In today's market, we understand that time is of the essence and we work hard trying to find new technologies which, when combined with our experience, makes a better, faster, less expensive final product for you. Providing pre-press, press work, digital on demand printing, finishing and direct mail services. We offer same day service when possible and free pick up and delivery.

Florence, KY
4.83 miles away

Printing - Standard Print Service

Your local printer since 1978. In today's market, we understand that time is of the essence and we work hard trying to find new technologies which, when combined with our experience, makes a better, faster, less expensive final product for you. Providing pre-press, press work, digital on demand printing, finishing and direct mail services. We offer same day service when possible and free pick up and delivery.

Florence, KY
4.83 miles away