Directory of Barter Companies Near Liberty Township, Ohio

Below are actual listings for IMS Trade Members near Liberty Township, Ohio who make their goods and services available through IMS Barter. New Companies join daily delivering more products and services continually on trade. Change your search below to keep looking. Make sure you visit the IMS Marketplace and the IMS Travel Section too!
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We found 16416 results for you

Safe Sales

now sells microwave safes, data safes, fireproof safes, wall safes, drop safes and gun safes. They carry American Security and Gardall safes and have plenty in stock to choose from. If they don't have in stock what you are looking for, check out their catalog to find one that fits your needs. Can drop-ship to anywhere in the country.

West Chester, OH
3.77 miles away

Property Management

We are a real estate sales agent licensed under the brokerage Plum Tree & a property management company doing business as Plum Tree Rentals. We focus on Investment real estate for folks wanting to buy and hold long-term investments, as well as individuals interested in "flipping" residential and commercial property. We also offer consultation services to investors and landlords. If you need help with an eviction, finding property well below market value, or selling a property- we are your first call. Our company also has several wholesale operations, and deals in diamonds, jewelry, gold, silver, and precious metals investments.

Monroe, OH
3.90 miles away

Pest Control

defends your home from pests that just don’t seem to know their place. When the ants advance or termites swarm, the counter-attacks with effective pest control measures, protecting your home or business from unwanted invaders. When mosquitos bite or roaches raid, we have a solution for you!

West Chester, OH
3.98 miles away

Ice Cream/Frozen Custard/Yogurt/Gelato

An unconventional ice cream treat that’s remarkably fresh and flavorful, introducing the world to beaded ice cream. Come enjoy these tiny beads of ice cream, yogurt, sherbet and flavored ice.

Monroe, OH
4.48 miles away

Chiropractic Service

Our mission is to serve our patients, restoring them to health, and proper function of the nerve and musculoskeletal systems while maintaining wellness so that they may in turn serve others and accomplish their own personal goals. & we focus on preventative measures and provide patients with the resources and tools so that they may make healthy lifestyle choices.

West Chester, OH
4.64 miles away

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy helps to remove toxins and improve blood flow to muscles and damaged tissue. We use massage therapy as a part of a well-balanced program to repair and restore the muscle to a healthy state. Our skilled therapists provide a relaxing, enjoyable experience that will relieve tension in sore, stiff muscles. Massage Gift Cert NOW available, call IMS to purchase!

West Chester, OH
4.64 miles away

Supplemental Medical Services

Our mission is to serve our patients, restoring them to health, and proper function of the nerve and musculoskeletal systems while maintaining wellness so that they may in turn serve others and accomplish their own personal goals. & we focus on preventative measures and provide patients with the resources and tools so that they may make healthy lifestyle choices.

West Chester, OH
4.64 miles away

Advertising - Billboard

Our billboards are located in key cities on highly traveled roads and highways. We have locations at strategic intersections and attractions throughout major cities such as Columbus, Dayton, Indianapolis, and Kentucky.

West Chester, OH
4.83 miles away


April Hearns DDS and her team offer preventive dentistry (exams & cleanings) as well as restorations & fillings, teeth whitening, Periodontal services and more! They are now accepting new patients, adults and children. Please speak to Patrice and mention you are an IMS member when making your appointment.

West Chester, OH
4.96 miles away

Accounting Services

Serving the Cincinnati area for over 30 years providing tax services, estate planning, and accounting services. We work with you to draft your business plan, review your strategic ideas, or simply managing your accounts payables and receivables.

West Chester, OH
5.09 miles away