Directory of Barter Companies Near Maineville, Ohio

Below are actual listings for IMS Trade Members near Maineville, Ohio who make their goods and services available through IMS Barter. New Companies join daily delivering more products and services continually on trade. Change your search below to keep looking. Make sure you visit the IMS Marketplace and the IMS Travel Section too!
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We found 16416 results for you


At DDS LLC in Landen and Mason, OH; we practice preventative dentistry and work with each patient to find the right approach for their comfort level. We offer preventative services, teeth cleaning, polishing, plaque removal, digital x-rays, restorative dentistry, crowns, bridges, teeth whitening, cosmetic dental procedures, and extraction services.

Mason, OH
3.62 miles away


has been in business for over 10years. They service Cincinnati, Dayton, Middletown Springfield and Columbus. They service Roofs, Siding Gutters and replace windows as well.

Morrow, OH
4.20 miles away

Siding And Trim

has been in business for over 10years. They service Cincinnati, Dayton, Middletown Springfield and Columbus. They service Roofs, Siding Gutters and replace windows as well.

Morrow, OH
4.20 miles away

Gutters & Downspouts

has been in business for over 10years. They service Cincinnati, Dayton, Middletown Springfield and Columbus. They service Roofs, Siding Gutters and replace windows as well.

Morrow, OH
4.20 miles away

Windows And Installation

has been in business for over 10years. They service Cincinnati, Dayton, Middletown Springfield and Columbus. They service Roofs, Siding Gutters and replace windows as well.

Morrow, OH
4.20 miles away

Accounting Services

provides bookkeeping services including accounts receivable, accounts payable, inventory, payroll, banking and cash managements, commissions, general ledger, monthly reconciliations, monthly reports and other miscellaneous bookkeeping.

Cincinnati, OH
4.50 miles away

Business Consultants

One of the features of that makes us unique is that we offer a complete accounting department service. While bookkeeping will take care of the day-to-day needs of tracking the transactions of a business, often a more important need is the advice and guidance of a higher-level accounting professional. Our staff is led by a former CFO of a local manufacturing business, with over 10 years of experience managing an entire accounting staff. Additional experience includes accounting system conversions, multi-company consolidations, mergers and acquisitions, international financial reporting, and providing strategic input from a financial perspective to the firm's upper management.

Cincinnati, OH
4.50 miles away

Computer - Training

provides Quickbooks basic training courses. A 1/2 day fast paced training class on tools to increase profits and cash flow.

Cincinnati, OH
4.50 miles away

Computer Software/Business Control

Certified intuit pro-advisor for Quickbooks. A popular service offered by is application hosting which includes QuickBooks®. This allows users access to their business data anytime from any location that has internet access. Our secure servers are located in our West Chester, Ohio data center, which is rated a Tier 2 plus facility.

Cincinnati, OH
4.50 miles away

Internet Cloud Services

With 's Cloud Services, any company, regardless of size, can have their applications and data securely stored in a world class data center and have access 24/7 from anywhere that has high-speed internet access.

Cincinnati, OH
4.50 miles away