Directory of Barter Companies Near Shorewood, Wisconsin

Below are actual listings for IMS Trade Members near Shorewood, Wisconsin who make their goods and services available through IMS Barter. New Companies join daily delivering more products and services continually on trade. Change your search below to keep looking. Make sure you visit the IMS Marketplace and the IMS Travel Section too!
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We found 16358 results for you

Tanning Salons

We offer several unique tanning packages and 13 locations in Green Bay, the Fox Valley and Milwaukee. From getting a base before vacation to keeping it after, or to just add some color for you. Please contact Chris for all tanning package information and pricing.

Shorewood, WI
0.40 miles away

Advertising - Magazine

Only monthly visitor guide in Metro area listing hottest new locations for dining, entertainment, and retail locations. Distributed to hotels, visitor centers, & all high traffic areas throughout Metro , we are the only monthly visitor guide in the area. Our advertising partners also get online, mobile and social media support.

Milwaukee, WI
0.51 miles away


The aroma of a bonfire and garlic, the flame of the pizza oven, the sound of Sinatra, all as you walk in. Sit down and enjoy authentic wood-fired pizza's inspired by Neopolitan Pizzaiolos along with the abundant seafood and pastas all prepared by a Sicilian Master Chefs. The menu also caters to meat lovers by adding sicilian steak, chicken, veal, and lamb entrees. We have a full bar and great wince selection. Southern Italian restaurant is the best kept secret on the eastside.

Milwaukee, WI
0.56 miles away

Restaurants - Mds Scrip

The aroma of a bonfire and garlic, the flame of the pizza oven, the sound of Sinatra, all as you walk in. Sit down and enjoy authentic wood-fired pizza's inspired by Neopolitan Pizzaiolos along with the abundant seafood and pastas all prepared by a Sicilian Master Chefs. The menu also caters to meat lovers by adding sicilian steak, chicken, veal, and lamb entrees. We have a full bar and great wince selection. restaurant is the best kept secret on the eastside.

Milwaukee, WI
0.56 miles away

Payment Method Mds

[type:Sicilian, ]

Milwaukee, WI
0.56 miles away

Banquet & Party Facilities/Meeting Rooms

Small Banquet seats 36 for eating or 55 just to hang out. Also, rents out one of side of the bar.

Shorewood, WI
0.65 miles away

Restaurants - Mds Scrip

At we serve English favorites as well as a fish fry on Fridays. Traditional English appetizers and many favorite brews; over 30 of them. Stop in for a pie and a pint today!

Shorewood, WI
0.65 miles away

Restaurants - Specific Certificates

At we serve English favorites as well as a fish fry on Fridays. Traditional English appetizers and many favorite brews; over 30 of them. Stop in for a pie and a pint today! Call your broker for gift cards.

Shorewood, WI
0.65 miles away

Payment Method Mds

[type:Casual, English traditional flare]

Shorewood, WI
0.65 miles away

Catering - Delivery Or Pick Up

offers full service offsite catering as well as large drop off or pick up orders. Please fill out the form below or email and we'll do our best to accommodate your desired date and any requests you may have to make your

Shorewood, WI
0.65 miles away