Directory of Barter Companies Near Waterbury, Connecticut

Below are actual listings for IMS Trade Members near Waterbury, Connecticut who make their goods and services available through IMS Barter. New Companies join daily delivering more products and services continually on trade. Change your search below to keep looking. Make sure you visit the IMS Marketplace and the IMS Travel Section too!
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Acupuncture is a 5000 year old health science, which was developed in the orient. Here at the Raya Clinic the 2 Certified Acupuncturists have been practicing in Southington for over 12yrs. Dr. Stacey Raya. Mention you are an IMS member.

Southington, CT
10.23 miles away

Chiropractic Service

Chiropractic is a health care discipline which emphasizes the inherent recuperative power of the body to heal itself without the use of drugs or surgery. Call us for your needs. Mention you are an IMS member.

Southington, CT
10.23 miles away


We provide specific recommendations on nutritional supplements & healthy food choices to enhance our patients' return to optimal health. Mention you are an IMS member.

Southington, CT
10.23 miles away

Physical Therapy

We teach our patients special blueprint exercises designed just for them to help strenghten & correct their own unique problem. Mention you are an IMS member.

Southington, CT
10.23 miles away

Supplemental Medical Services

Chiropractic care, physical therapy and acupuncture all available. Mention you are an IMS member.

Southington, CT
10.23 miles away

Auto Repair & Service Domestic

Our used car service & auto repair facility located in Southington is set up with the latest equipment to handle domestic and import car servicing. We also offer state-of-the-art auto detailing services that will make any used car look brand new. Call to get a quote from our auto detailing professionals and see your vehicle transformed with a sparkling new look. Appointments required. Mention you are an IMS member .Note oil changes excluded.

Southington, CT
11.09 miles away

Auto Repair & Service Import

Our used car service & auto repair facility located in Southington is set up with the latest equipment to handle domestic and import car servicing. We also offer state-of-the-art auto detailing services that will make any used car look brand new. Call to get a quote from our auto detailing professionals and see your vehicle transformed with a sparkling new look. Appointments required. Mention you are an IMS member .Note oil changes excluded.

Southington, CT
11.09 miles away

Restaurants - Specific Certificates

TAOY ( of ) is a small eclectic restaurant in the heart of downtown Waterbury that specializes in fusion cuisine with a local flair. Serving breakfast and lunch daily, come and enjoy a unique and artistic spin on some of your favorite foods. Special pub menu available at the bar only. Gift certificates available, contact your broker to purchase.

Southington, CT
11.68 miles away

Food - Prepared Meals

One of the most important aspects of maintaining a healthy lifestyle is the ability to eat and maintain a clean, well balanced diet. At 360 Fitness Meals we understand the importance of having healthy food available. Our mission is to offer a service that can provide the best meals locally available to our clients that is convenient and stress free! We offer multiple pickup days and deliveries throughout the week for your convenience.

Southington, CT
11.68 miles away

Restaurants - Ims Barter Card

TAOY ( of ) is a small eclectic restaurant in the heart of downtown Southington that specializes in fusion cuisine with a local flair. Serving breakfast and lunch daily, come and enjoy a unique and artistic spin on some of your favorite foods. Special pub menu available at the bar only.

Southington, CT
11.68 miles away