Directory of Barter Companies Near Waynesville, Ohio

Below are actual listings for IMS Trade Members near Waynesville, Ohio who make their goods and services available through IMS Barter. New Companies join daily delivering more products and services continually on trade. Change your search below to keep looking. Make sure you visit the IMS Marketplace and the IMS Travel Section too!
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We found 16416 results for you


is the largest source for all of your event rental needs in Dayton, Cincinnati, and surrounding Ohio cities. Our 100,000 sq. ft. warehouse is home to thousands of chairs, tables, tents, linens, décor, catering supplies and so much more!

Dayton, OH
12.83 miles away

Dj Service

Mobile DJ service for weddings, events and corporate functions.

Dayton, OH
13.73 miles away


We build new, repair old and have design suggestions. Please let us know what we can do for you. We care about our work and it shows in our finished product.

Middletown, OH
13.73 miles away

Handyman Service

We are a full service maintenance, repair and handyman service offering services from curb to roof and everything in between. Will not fix electric or plumbing.

Middletown, OH
13.73 miles away

Asphalt Paving & Sealing

We will do hot and cold patch, striping, seal coating, and specialty markings. Our service area is a 2 hour radius from Middletown, OH.

Middletown, OH
13.73 miles away

Graphic Design Or Desktop Publishing

Exceptional website design and development, including WordPress site development, e-commerce, SEO, web hosting, graphic design, website maintenance, online marketing and more. Web designs that are both effective and appealing require strong design and advertising experience, coupled with a keen knowledge of current technology trends, CMS platforms like WordPress and search engine optimization (SEO.

Morrow, OH
14.06 miles away

Internet Web Site Design & Development

Exceptional website design and development, including WordPress site development, e-commerce, SEO, web hosting, graphic design, website maintenance, online marketing and more. Web designs that are both effective and appealing require strong design and advertising experience, coupled with a keen knowledge of current technology trends, CMS platforms like WordPress and search engine optimization (SEO.

Morrow, OH
14.06 miles away

Internet Web Site Hosting

Exceptional website design and development, including WordPress site development, e-commerce, SEO, web hosting, graphic design, website maintenance, online marketing and more. Web designs that are both effective and appealing require strong design and advertising experience, coupled with a keen knowledge of current technology trends, CMS platforms like WordPress and search engine optimization (SEO.

Morrow, OH
14.06 miles away


has been in business for over 10years. They service Cincinnati, Dayton, Middletown Springfield and Columbus. They service Roofs, Siding Gutters and replace windows as well.

Morrow, OH
14.47 miles away

Siding And Trim

has been in business for over 10years. They service Cincinnati, Dayton, Middletown Springfield and Columbus. They service Roofs, Siding Gutters and replace windows as well.

Morrow, OH
14.47 miles away