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Back to Barter: A Solution for Struggling Paint and Coatings Companies - Paint & Coating Industry

IMS Barter

Everything old is new again. As the paint and coatings business struggles as a result of COVID-19, the oldest form of trade - barter - is booming. However, this is not your father’s direct trade barter model. And that makes it even more appealing to cash-strapped businesses now.

Business-to-business trading has been providing an alternative method of payment that conserves cash, attracts new customers and gives businesses a competitive advantage.

What people say

"Congratulations to Richard M Colombik, a long-time member for over 31 years, for his many honors and awards, including Liaison to the Washington Office of the Internal Revenue Service - American Association of Attorneys-CPAs, Inc. IMS is proud to have Richard M. Colombik & Assoc.,P.C. as part of its network."

Richard Colombik
Richard M. Colombik & Assoc.,P.C. | Schaumburg, IL