Original Paul Longenecker Framed Oil On Canvas Panel


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Orlando, FL
Original Paul Longenecker Framed Oil On Canvas Panel Original Paul Longenecker Framed Oil On Canvas Panel. This original shows a lovely little gazebo along with a grassy field. The original is 25" x 1 1/2" x 21" and it weighs 4lbs. The original itself is approx 19" x 15 1/2". The original is in a good, vintage condition with some markings on the border along with a wide opening between the corners of the border on the top left. Please see the images as they are part of the description. Born in 1920, Paul Longenecker was primarily inspired by the 1950s. During the Post War period, New York City became the global focus for Modernism. Throughout the Second World War, many artists had traveled to the city after having fled in exile from Europe, which resulted in a merging and amalgamation of abilities and ideas. Whilst in New York, influential Europeans such as Piet Mondrian, Josef Albers and Hans Hoffmann provided inspiration for American artists, and influenced cultural maturation in the United States for many subsequent decades. Abstract Expressionism dominated in the 1950s as a primary method of painting, and explored ideas concerning the sublime and spirituality. Artists endeavored to focus on painting’s formal properties, and Action Painting took inspiration from the political freedoms of the United States, in opposition to the limitations of the Soviet bloc. Significant artists of this period included Jackson Pollock, Willem de Kooning, Mark Rothko, Frank Kline, Barnett Newman, Clyfford Still and Adolph Gottlieb. In later revisions, the contributions and efforts of female artists such as Lee Krasner, Joan Mitchell, and Louise Bourgeois have been celebrated, amongst many other female creatives.
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# Avail Price
1 $750.00 Buy Now