Directory of Barter Companies Near Cheshire, Connecticut

Below are actual listings for IMS Trade Members near Cheshire, Connecticut who make their goods and services available through IMS Barter. New Companies join daily delivering more products and services continually on trade. Change your search below to keep looking. Make sure you visit the IMS Marketplace and the IMS Travel Section too!
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We found 16384 results for you

Clothing - Men

Fine quality men's sportswear, shirts, jeans shoes and accessories. Clothing that is pre made and then tailored to fit the body. Today ninety percent of our business is ready to wear clothing. There is such a wide variety of styles, fabrics, and sizes available today that most customers find what they are looking for in our vast inventories. Custom tailored clothing by appointment only. See website for store hours. Based on available inventory. Must identify yourself as IMS when you arrive.

Waterbury, CT
6.32 miles away

Formalwear Rentals & Sales

Ram’s carries the largest selection of suits in the State, our selection is so vast that you would have to go to three or four mens stores to see the inventory we have in one store. Our expertise in the mens clothing business will make your next clothing purchase easy and dare we say fun, shopping for a suit should not be stressful or a chore. The owners and all the staff have years and years in the business so there is no question we will make you look your best. Custom tailored clothing by appointment only. See website for store hours. Based on available inventory. Must identify yourself as IMS when you arrive.

Waterbury, CT
6.32 miles away

Shoe & Footwear Sales

Fine quality men's footwear from many of today's best classic American designers including: Johnston & Murphy, Rockport, Bass, Nunn Bush, Stacy Adams and European designers including: Mezlan, Bacco Buccci, Giorgio Brutini and Robert Graham Footwear. See website for store hours. Based on available inventory. Must identify yourself as IMS when you arrive.

Waterbury, CT
6.32 miles away

Clothing - Men

offers a quality selection of leather jackets featuring the traditional open bottom basic zip front shirt collar style that will offer you a roomier fit without compromising the style. We also offer Mason & Cooper classic old school style flight jackets as well as a soft leather style which offers a ageless attitude and modern slim fit. Stop in today and please mention you are an IMS member.

Waterbury, CT
6.32 miles away


Full service periodontal office for cleanings, implants and bone graphs. Mention you are an IMS member.

Southington, CT
6.33 miles away


Full service periodontal office for cleanings, implants and bone graphs. Mention you are an IMS member.

Southington, CT
6.33 miles away

Supplemental Medical Services

effectively treats a wide variety of issues with the body, mind and spirit-both acute and chronic. fice location in Southington only. By appointment only. Mention you are a IMS Barter member.

Southington, CT
6.52 miles away

Pest Control

We have over 30 years experience protecting health and property throughout Connecticut. Whether you are a homeowner, business owner or property manager, we have the experience and certifications to provide the professional pest control service you are looking for. Our uniformed technicians will treat you, your property and your pest issue with the respect and professionalism you expect, and deserve. Please mention you are an IMS member.

Southington, CT
6.54 miles away

Fencing & Gates

Underground pet fences to contain your dogs & cats in your yard. Call for details. Our DogWatch dealership proudly services Southington, CT and surrounding areas. Mention you are an IMS member.

Southington, CT
6.61 miles away

Pet Training-Obedience, First Aid, Etc.

Pet training available for your new pup or even older dog! Caring & loving support that you need from highly trained professionals! Call today! Mention you are an IMS member.

Southington, CT
6.61 miles away