Directory of Barter Companies Near Cheshire, Connecticut

Below are actual listings for IMS Trade Members near Cheshire, Connecticut who make their goods and services available through IMS Barter. New Companies join daily delivering more products and services continually on trade. Change your search below to keep looking. Make sure you visit the IMS Marketplace and the IMS Travel Section too!
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We found 16386 results for you

Health & Fitness Clubs

Personal training services that combine advanced workout techniques with traditional fitness training, to provide optimal health and wellness for members of all ages and levels of fitness. Whether you are just starting an exercise/workout program or looking for overall conditioning, mindfulness, weight loss management or sport-specific training, our certified personal trainers will design an integrated, personalized health and fitness plan just for you. Contact your IMS Broker for more details.

North Haven, CT
7.36 miles away

Attorneys - Business

has practiced law in a wide variety of areas since 1985. In his over thirty five years of legal experience, class="redacted-text"> has narrowed the focus of his practice to the areas that most suit his experience and organizational and litigation skills and is Accomplished Determined & Experienced Specialist in commercial litigation, foreclosures and collection law, along with other related areas. Mention you are an IMS member. Service throughout CT and MA.

Waterbury, CT
7.78 miles away


Acupuncture is a 5000 year old health science, which was developed in the orient. Here at the Raya Clinic the 2 Certified Acupuncturists have been practicing in Southington for over 12yrs. Dr. Stacey Raya. Mention you are an IMS member.

Southington, CT
8.08 miles away

Chiropractic Service

Chiropractic is a health care discipline which emphasizes the inherent recuperative power of the body to heal itself without the use of drugs or surgery. Call us for your needs. Mention you are an IMS member.

Southington, CT
8.08 miles away


We provide specific recommendations on nutritional supplements & healthy food choices to enhance our patients' return to optimal health. Mention you are an IMS member.

Southington, CT
8.08 miles away

Physical Therapy

We teach our patients special blueprint exercises designed just for them to help strenghten & correct their own unique problem. Mention you are an IMS member.

Southington, CT
8.08 miles away

Supplemental Medical Services

Chiropractic care, physical therapy and acupuncture all available. Mention you are an IMS member.

Southington, CT
8.08 miles away

Oral Surgery

Surgeon -Extractions, wisdom teeth removal, dental implants. Call for an appointment w/ Dr. Jeff Berkley. Mention you are an IMS member.

North Haven, CT
8.30 miles away

Supplemental Medical Services

Extractions, wisdom teeth removal, dental implants. Call for an appointment w/ Dr. Jeff Berkley. Mention you are an IMS member.

North Haven, CT
8.30 miles away

Auto Repair & Service Domestic

Offers domestic auto repairs. Mention you are an IMS member.

Wolcott, CT
8.69 miles away