Directory of Barter Companies Near Lakewood, Colorado

Below are actual listings for IMS Trade Members near Lakewood, Colorado who make their goods and services available through IMS Barter. New Companies join daily delivering more products and services continually on trade. Change your search below to keep looking. Make sure you visit the IMS Marketplace and the IMS Travel Section too!
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We found 16321 results for you

Catering - Delivery Or Pick Up

Offering a refreshing approach to catering through an exotic Menu ranging from pot roast to stuffed lobster. Suitable for any event from your social gathering, weddings, corporate events to a local BBQ.

Lakewood, CO
2.54 miles away

Catering - Full Service

After providing catering services in the Denver area and all over Colorado for over 20 years, we are thrilled to be able to bring the spectacular experience to your home. Our chefs use Colorado-fresh ingredients and use sustainably sourced meat and seafood. Choose from a variety of delicious snacks, appetizers, mains and desserts to share with your families. We create menus that range from exotic Mediterranean dishes or sophisticated French cuisine, to finger-lickin' Barbeque. Suitable for any event from your social gathering, weddings, corporate events to a local BBQ.

Lakewood, CO
2.54 miles away

Catering - Delivery Or Pick Up

Corporate Event - Proudly serving Denver area businesses with corporate catering services for almost 20 years. Be the office hero and contact us for your next company event! Whether it is a hot and healthy lunch for your Board Members, or an elegant party for the entire company, we are your corporate catering resource. If you want to spice up your office catering options, we offer a monthly seasonal menu that makes ordering easy.

Lakewood, CO
2.54 miles away

Cleaning - Commercial

Residential and office cleaning. Our home service professionals will prepare a plan designed around the unique details of your home or office. You can expect a consistent, thorough cleaning and the highest level of personal service every visit

Lakewood, CO
2.87 miles away

Cleaning - Residential

Residential and office cleaning. Our home service professionals will prepare a plan designed around the unique details of your home or office. You can expect a consistent, thorough cleaning and the highest level of personal service every visit.

Lakewood, CO
2.87 miles away

Cleaning - Residential

Most of our customers choose our weekly or every other week house cleaning services. As part of every custom cleaning plan, class="redacted-text"> will tailor our cleaning process to your needs and budget. Your home is your escape, your space, your area of relaxation. Give yourself the gift of time and let clean your home the way you want it cleaned.

Lakewood, CO
2.88 miles away

Cleaning - Commercial

Residential and office cleaning. Our home service professionals will prepare a plan designed around the unique details of your home or office. You can expect a consistent, thorough cleaning and the highest level of personal service every visit. Where we believe earning your trust is just as important as a clean home/office. That is why we perform every clean according to the needs of our customers. We are looking forward to making your home/office sparkling clean while giving you back some of the free time you deserve. After all, we’re maid for this!

Lakewood, CO
2.88 miles away

Water Filtration & Purification Equip.

Lots of companies offer point-of-use water purification systems, but not like us. Corporate point-of-use water isn’t just something we do—it’s ALL we do. And with 30+ years in the industry, we’re pretty darn good at it. We’ll handle everything, from installation to maintenance to emergency repairs (all at no extra cost to you). We proudly service all of our clients’ systems every 6-8 months (as opposed to the 12-18 months intervals the other guys offer), because more frequent maintenance visits means products work better, longer.

Lakewood, CO
2.92 miles away

Business Consultants

An innovative approach to workplace harmony. Your business is an outer reflection of you. As above so below - When you (below) have a energetic block or struggle in a part of life, the universe can reflect back these struggles in your business- (As above). This is one area I can help guide and facilitate a journey to balance, learn and clear the hurdle, trauma or struggle. Let's chat to see if it's a good fit. Establish trust and understand what working with me feels and looks like. Schedule your (20min consultation) appointment.

Lakewood, CO
2.92 miles away

Counseling - Marriage/Drug/Alcohol, Etc.

I am not a certified therapist, I am a certified life events coach. I love to feed my mind, soul and body. It can be researching the latest nutrient. A new coaching method, maybe a meditation or cold shower possibly. For me, My hurdles and trauma in my life have evolved into a story that serves. From that story, healing, forgiveness, compassion and reframing came into my life path. Combined training and experiences, I then found my true path to serve as a Coach. Since becoming a life coach, I have surrounded myself with people that I admire, people that inspire, people that have something to teach, and from whom I can learn. I know that learning a new way of doing things is a challenge, but with the right set of skills and abilities, anything and everything is possible. I believe my purpose is to become the fullest expression of myself and to help others do the same.

Lakewood, CO
2.92 miles away