Directory of Barter Companies Near Lakewood, Colorado

Below are actual listings for IMS Trade Members near Lakewood, Colorado who make their goods and services available through IMS Barter. New Companies join daily delivering more products and services continually on trade. Change your search below to keep looking. Make sure you visit the IMS Marketplace and the IMS Travel Section too!
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We found 16321 results for you

Massage Therapy

Our salon offers a wide range of services including haircuts, color, styling, Ombre, Balayage highlights, perms, Keratin straightening, waxing services which include Brazilian, back and chest waxing, facials, microdermabrasion, chemical peels, Obagi blue radiance peel , infrared body treatment, and massage. If you’re ready to be pampered to the fullest, contact us for a consultation today!

Denver, CO
3.28 miles away

Cbd Products

We are dedicated to bringing wellness to the world through cannabinoid products derived from all natural, premium industrial hemp. We live out our values through fair business practices, philanthropy, and the highest quality hemp oil available anywhere. It is legal in all 50 states and is 100% Organic.

Denver, CO
3.28 miles away

Skin Care, Facials, Microdermabrasion

Offering-Microdermabrasion-exfoliation treatment, brightens and tightens skin. Dermaplane- removes unwanted peach fuzz and dead skin from the face. Chemical Peel-exfoliation treatment, good for sun damage, improving texture, and pigmentation. Micro-needling-renew the skin to remove fine lines, wrinkles, deep scarring, hair loss, and stretch marks. Micro-needling With PRP-stimulates collagen production by rolling fine needles over the skin and applying platelet rich plasma. Nano Needling-rejuvenate your skin and treat common issues like lack of tone, uneven texture, acne, excessive pigmentation, scarring, and loss of elasticity.

Denver, CO
3.28 miles away

Gift Baskets

Gift baskets. A generous collection of specialty spa treatments. Inspire a moment of self-care with this gift basket of luxurious and aromatic spa products.

Denver, CO
3.28 miles away

Cbd Products

We are dedicated to bringing wellness to the world through cannabinoid products derived from all natural, premium industrial hemp. We live out our values through fair business practices, philanthropy, and the highest quality hemp oil available anywhere. It is legal in all 50 states and is 100% Organic.

Denver, CO
3.28 miles away

Spa - Beauty Treatments

Fillers : Special for the holidays- Now taking trade for Dermal fillers are injections that plump up wrinkles and smooth lines on your face. There are several types of dermal fillers. We typically treat areas around your eyes, mouth, jaw and nose. This common cosmetic procedure typically produces results right away and can last months. Book a consultation with one of our paramedical aestheticians to see if these treatments are right for you.

Denver, CO
3.28 miles away

Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening | $85 Teeth Whitening (3 Pack) | $200 Teeth Whitening + Minerals | $95 Spray Tanning | $35 Spray Tanning (3 Pack) | $85 Spray Tan + Teeth Whitening | $100 Foot Detox | $25

Denver, CO
3.28 miles away

Business Consultants

We provide you with dynamic and engaging training fundamental to ultimate success and achievement within any organization. Are you ready to work on communication and presentation skills or master effective sales strategies? Call us today!

Lakewood, CO
3.40 miles away


We provide you with dynamic and engaging training fundamental to ultimate success and achievement within any organization. Are you ready to work on communication and presentation skills or master effective sales strategies? Call us today!

Lakewood, CO
3.40 miles away

Internet Web Site Design & Development

All Websites are not created equal, and with our extensive knowledge of search engine optimization and video marketing strategies, we can create a Website for you that will not only draw customers’ attention, but will get you noticed (and ranked high!) by search engines, too

Lakewood, CO
3.40 miles away