Directory of Barter Companies Near Ridgefield, Connecticut

Below are actual listings for IMS Trade Members near Ridgefield, Connecticut who make their goods and services available through IMS Barter. New Companies join daily delivering more products and services continually on trade. Change your search below to keep looking. Make sure you visit the IMS Marketplace and the IMS Travel Section too!
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We found 16362 results for you

Oral Surgery

Surgeon -Extractions, wisdom teeth removal, dental implants. Call for an appointment w/ Dr. Jeff Berkley. Mention you are an IMS member.

West Haven, CT
28.13 miles away

Supplemental Medical Services

Extractions, wisdom teeth removal, dental implants. Call for an appointment w/ Dr. Jeff Berkley. Mention you are an IMS member.

West Haven, CT
28.13 miles away


Full service florist including wedding and funeral arrangements. 's has a large inventory of fresh flowers, tropical flowers, silk flowers and gift baskets. CT orders only. Delivery not included. Mention you are an IMS member.

Watertown, CT
28.83 miles away

Florists - Weddings

Full service florist including wedding and funeral arrangements. 's has a large inventory of fresh flowers, tropical flowers and silk flowers. Contact broker for referral.

Watertown, CT
28.83 miles away

Pet Waste Cleanup

Dog Waste Removal Service is making life easier for busy dog owners with our complete once or twice weekly dog waste cleanup and removal in one of our Dog Waste Removal Trucks from yards and dog runs. Keeping your yard clean will help create a healthier environment for your family and pet. We also offer Canadian Geese Waste Removal Service, making life easier for home, business and land owners. We cover Suffolk, Nassau, Westchester, Eastchester, North Shore and South Shore of Long Island and Albany. We do not require contracts, there is no minimum service period. We are recommended on Angie's List. & accredited by the BBB. Pricing various depending on how many canines you have. Please give us a call.

Locust Valley, NY
29.44 miles away

Advertising - Radio

Contemporary Radio format reaches adults 18-49 with HHI of $75K+. M32%, F68%. Listeners are employed full-time and live in single family homes. 133,800 monthly reach.

New Haven, CT
29.44 miles away

Advertising - Radio

Sports Format reaching males 25-54 in New Haven, that own a single family home, over half are married, most are employed. 6,200 monthly reach

New Haven, CT
29.44 miles away

Advertising - Radio

s format reaches adults 35-64. 56%M, 44%F. Most listener own a single family home, most have attended college, over half are married, and are likely to be a small business owner. 24,600 monthly reach.

New Haven, CT
29.44 miles away

Advertising - Radio

New Haven's Hip Hop & R&B reaches adults 18-54, 48%M, 52%F. Most listeners live in a single family home, rent, most have some college or more. 27,600 monthly reach.

New Haven, CT
29.44 miles away

Attorneys - Business

has practiced law in a wide variety of areas since 1985. In his over thirty five years of legal experience, class="redacted-text"> has narrowed the focus of his practice to the areas that most suit his experience and organizational and litigation skills and is Accomplished Determined & Experienced Specialist in commercial litigation, foreclosures and collection law, along with other related areas. Mention you are an IMS member. Service throughout CT and MA.

Waterbury, CT
29.48 miles away