Directory of Barter Companies Near Ridgefield, Connecticut

Below are actual listings for IMS Trade Members near Ridgefield, Connecticut who make their goods and services available through IMS Barter. New Companies join daily delivering more products and services continually on trade. Change your search below to keep looking. Make sure you visit the IMS Marketplace and the IMS Travel Section too!
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We found 16364 results for you

Social Media/Blogging

Well-researched, masterfully crafted blogs are critical components of your website. Not only are blogs crucial to effectively communicating your company’s message and services to the public, but they are paramount to your site’s discovery and ranking within search engines. Also of vital importance is that the content is original. Our talented and passionate team of inbound marketing and digital design artists, writers, sales professionals, and strategists help mission-oriented companies succeed, and grow.

Syosset, NY
33.06 miles away

Advertising - Podcasts

ing is one of the most creative and effective forms of content your organization can provide to demonstrate expertise and authority in an industry, attract new employees and customers, and align your brand with a larger audience. Studios has an extensive background in radio broadcasting and boasts a team of award-winning podcast producers. Full cycle services include concept, content, branding, recording & editing. Custom proposals available based on your needs,.

Syosset, NY
33.06 miles away

Computer - Consultants

Offers computer consulting, programming, trouble shooting, networking, installing and moving computers from one place to another location. ruce is very knowledgeable and very easy to work with. Servicing residential and commercial establishments in Manhattan and New Jersey.

Closter, NJ
33.12 miles away

Accounting Services

s, Inc. is a full-service accounting firm that has been serving the Greater New York area for over 35 years. From bookkeeping to tax prep and advice, we pride ourselves on providing thorough, timely and accurate service and are committed to being accessible to clients, attentive in understanding their needs and collaborative in identifying solutions. We define our success by the success of our clients. Consultations are always free.

Commack, NY
33.19 miles away


s, Inc. is a full-service accounting firm that has been serving the Greater New York area for over 35 years. From bookkeeping to tax prep and advice, we pride ourselves on providing thorough, timely and accurate service and are committed to being accessible to clients, attentive in understanding their needs and collaborative in identifying solutions. We define our success by the success of our clients. Consultations are always free.

Commack, NY
33.19 miles away

Tax Return Preparation

s, Inc. is a full-service accounting firm that has been serving the Greater New York area for over 35 years. From bookkeeping to tax prep and advice, we pride ourselves on providing thorough, timely and accurate service and are committed to being accessible to clients, attentive in understanding their needs and collaborative in identifying solutions. We define our success by the success of our clients. Consultations are always free.

Commack, NY
33.19 miles away

Charitable Organizations

The CJK is a not-for-profit organization built to create positive change and hope in the darkest of times through advocating awareness, supporting patients and their families undergoing treatment, and raising funds for research. Like a dragonfly’s flight is light and adaptable, the mission and vision of the is to alleviate the burden and offer support to those in need. Charitable Donations accepted.

Cheshire, CT
33.33 miles away

Ticket Brokers

Offering tickets for baseball, football, hockey, golf, basketball, US Open tickets, concerts and theatre. Client must call their broker first to order tickets.

Dix Hills, NY
33.58 miles away

Printing - Standard Print Service

We offer a wide range of copy & print services including collating, binding, stabling, cutting and offer a multiple paper options. A single black & white or 1,000 color copies—we’ve got you covered. Five locations: Great Neck, Port Washington, Glen Cover, Plainview and Long Island City. Advise you are an IMS Member.

Port Washington, NY
33.62 miles away

Copying & Duplicating Service

We offer a wide range of copy, print and shredding services. No job too big or small. We also offer collating, binding, laminating of brochures, menus, business cards, flyers, posters & banner printing. Five locations in Great Neck, Port Washington, Glen Cove, Plainview and Long Island City. Advise you are an IMS member.

Port Washington, NY
33.62 miles away