Directory of Barter Companies Near Watertown, Connecticut

Below are actual listings for IMS Trade Members near Watertown, Connecticut who make their goods and services available through IMS Barter. New Companies join daily delivering more products and services continually on trade. Change your search below to keep looking. Make sure you visit the IMS Marketplace and the IMS Travel Section too!
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We found 16364 results for you

Snow Removal & Salting Service

Commercial snow removal in the Prospect, Ct area. Call your IMS broker for referral.

Prospect, CT
9.66 miles away

Accounting Services

I can do personal, business, Connecticut, Mass, New York. I also know and can do other business returns such as sale and use tax, payroll taxes. I make it easy for you. Please ask me about working with you on all your bookkeeping needs! I will come to you or you can come to me or I can send you a link and you can do your taxes via online.

Prospect, CT
9.66 miles away

Restaurants - Ims Barter Card

Casual dining on the patio, dining room or pub. Select from sandwiches, hearty soups, prime rib or seafood dishes. Pub room offers a pool table and several TVs to watch a variety of sporting events. Serving lunch and dinner daily.

Southbury, CT
10.01 miles away

Payment Method Barter Card

[Type: Sandwiches, hearty soups, prime rib or seafood dishes. Lunch and dinner daily.]

Southbury, CT
10.01 miles away

Shelving - Industrial & Commercial

Second-hand storage systems and large selection of pre-owned industrial shelving and material handling equipment. One of the nation's leading distributors of used warehouse rack, pallet and storage rack industrial steel shelving. Mention you are an IMS member.

Plantsville, CT
10.90 miles away

Hair Replacement/Custom Wigs/Hairpieces

Specializes in assisting people suffering from natural and medical hair loss. Wigs, hair integration, laser treatment, hair analysis & hair growth support. Call for an appointment. Mention you are an IMS member.

Cheshire, CT
11.30 miles away

Office Space Rental

Business center featuring administrative secretarial services to your business. Located in Cheshire. Rates include a private, individual office (furnished or unfurnished), full-time receptionist, telephone answering service and use of conference rooms. Mention you are an IMS member.

Cheshire, CT
11.38 miles away

Secretarial Services

Business center featuring administrative secretarial services to your business. Located in Cheshire. Rates include a private, individual office (furnished or unfurnished), full-time receptionist, telephone answering service, use of conference rooms. Mention you are an IMS member.

Cheshire, CT
11.38 miles away

Writing & Editing Service

Professional, quality resumes. Mention you're an IMS member.

Cheshire, CT
11.38 miles away

Floor Refinishing - Wood

Over time, even the best hardwood floors need to be refinished. Foot traffic, moving furniture, and accidents all take a toll on the hardwood floors. There are many reasons to consider having your floors refinished. First, it will bring new life to your dull lackluster hardwood flooring. Second, refinishes increase the longevity of the wood. As refinishing involves adding a protective coating to the wood, it prevents direct damage to the floor from regular wear and tear. Third, refinishing removes moisture from wood which is the main reason why wood decays over time. Fourth, refinishing removes scratches as well as other blemishes from your floor, bringing it back to the way it used to be. Call your IMS broker for referral-accepting commercial only

Chesire, CT
11.38 miles away