Directory of Barter Companies Near Watertown, Connecticut

Below are actual listings for IMS Trade Members near Watertown, Connecticut who make their goods and services available through IMS Barter. New Companies join daily delivering more products and services continually on trade. Change your search below to keep looking. Make sure you visit the IMS Marketplace and the IMS Travel Section too!
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We found 16364 results for you


Dr. H got into dentistry because she had a great family dentist growing up! She inspires to do the same, providing high quality care, and encouraging all her patients to take good care of their oral health! Although experienced with patients of all ages, Dr. H has a soft spot for anxious adults and pediatric patients. Gentle, caring staff welcomes children, adults and seniors and guarantees the comfort of every member of your family. Mention you are an IMS member.

Bristol, CT
12.23 miles away

Opticians & Optometrists

We have been voted time and time again for the best optical and eye care shop!! We trade contacts, eyeglasses and sunglasses, bring your prescription, excludes exams. By appointment only. Mention you are an IMS member.

Bristol, CT
12.24 miles away

Dj Service

All successful events begin with a plan. Weddings, bar mitzvahs, corporate parties, proms, and more. Since 1983, has entertained at over 20,000 events. Please contact them about the event you're planning! Mention you are an IMS member.

Cheshire, CT
12.40 miles away

Recording Studios

Digital audio recording. DAt, CD, Cassette video-graphy - weddings,events,productions, Photos & slides converted to VHS/DVD, Video & audio dubbing, Vocal reduction from songs. Mention you are an IMS member.

Cheshire, CT
12.40 miles away

Photo Booth Rental

Our photo booths become the perfect party favor and are guaranteed to make your party more fun and interactive! Choose from classic, instant or traditional photo booth options. Call for availability and mention you are IMS.

Cheshire, CT
12.40 miles away

Supplemental Medical Services

effectively treats a wide variety of issues with the body, mind and spirit-both acute and chronic. fice location in Southington only. By appointment only. Mention you are a IMS Barter member.

Southington, CT
12.44 miles away

Pest Control

We have over 30 years experience protecting health and property throughout Connecticut. Whether you are a homeowner, business owner or property manager, we have the experience and certifications to provide the professional pest control service you are looking for. Our uniformed technicians will treat you, your property and your pest issue with the respect and professionalism you expect, and deserve. Please mention you are an IMS member.

Southington, CT
12.47 miles away

Appliance Repair

We service most major household appliances in the Farmington Valley, Plainville, Southington, Cheshire and surrounding towns. Can do some other towns and commercial work just call & ask. We are looking forward to serving you! Mention you are an IMS member.

Harwinton, CT
12.52 miles away

Small Engine Sales & Service/Lawnmowers

Offering small engine repair on snow blowers, mowers, riding mowers, weed whackers, tillers, leaf blowers, garden tractors, chainsaws, generators and more. Contact Scott for an appointment. Mention you are an IMS member

Harwinton, CT
12.52 miles away

Fencing & Gates

Underground pet fences to contain your dogs & cats in your yard. Call for details. Our DogWatch dealership proudly services Southington, CT and surrounding areas. Mention you are an IMS member.

Southington, CT
12.54 miles away