Create a Single Ad

Please NOTE that you must first establish access to your online IMS Barter account to shop or sell in the online Marketplace. If you have not done this, don’t wait! Call your IMS broker! It takes just minutes.


Welcome to the IMS MARKETPLACE where you can experience yet another IMS membership benefit. The IMS Marketplace will afford you the luxury of buying and selling products nationwide to/from over 16,000 potential new clients without leaving home.

Log on to and click on “Sign In”.


Enter your Username and Password and click on “Sign In”.

If you have not yet registered for your Online account, you can do so here by clicking Register in the right-hand box. For assistance registering your account, contact your broker! They will be able to help you with your account number and PIN number needed for registration.


Next, click on the Sell, and then Marketplace from the drop down menu.

Then, create an ad by clicking Create New Ad in the Marketplace Dashboard.


Determine if you have a single item, or an item with variations. Variations can include, sizes, colors, flavors, different sporting teams, materials, etc.

When choosing multiple variations, the next section of the website tutorial will guide you through the process with some easy to follow instructions. For this example, we're choosing "A Single Item, or Multiple Identical items".


Simply complete all required segments of information relating to the product that you are posting to the Marketplace and click on, “Submit ad”.

Helpful Hint: Preparing your product image(s) for attachment in advance will greatly expedite the process of posting an ad.
Some important guidelines for posting Marketplace ads:
  1. Must be a product and not a service
  2. Must be fair market value
  3. Must be for 100% trade, no cash/trade blends
  4. Picture files should be 150 x 150 pixels (2’’x 2’’), jpg or png format, and less than 1 meg


Your Marketplace ad has been successfully completed and will be submitted for approval. To expedite your ad posting, please review your submitted ad and make any necessary changes by clicking on the “Edit” option which will take you to the previous page. Make the appropriate corrections/modifications and click on “Submit”.

Note: If you are looking to post multiple ads, simply continue your postings by clicking on the, “Create new ad” and repeat the process.